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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Original Hover Effects with CSS3

The power of CSS3 is enormous and in this tutorial we will see how to exploit it in a very creative way. We are going to create some thumbnail hover effects with CSS3 transitions. On hover over a thumbnail, we will reveal some description of the thumbnail, using a different style in each example.

Please note that this will only work properly in modern browsers that support the CSS3 properties in use.

Elastic Image Slideshow with Thumbnail Preview

A simple elastic slideshow with a thumbnail preview. The slideshow will adjust automatically to its surrounding container and we can navigate through the slides by using the thumbnail previewer or the autoplay slideshow option.
To make this slideshow responsive, we will use a mixture of JavaScript and CSS techniques.

Fullscreen Image Blur Effect with HTML5

Using canvas, we want to blur images on the transition to another one, creating a smooth effect.

The main idea is to add some images in our structure that will serve as background images. We will add the canvas element which will contain a blurred version of the image. When we navigate, we’ll add the blurred canvas behind the current image and fade the current image out. With the blurred canvas image now visible, we can either show the new image immediately (unblurred) or show it blurred and then “sharpen” it.

Circle Navigation Effect with CSS3

The idea is to expand a circular navigation with an arrow and make a bubble with a thumbnail appear. In our example we will be showing the thumbnail of the next and previous slider image on hovering the arrows. The effect is done with CSS3 transitions.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

ShineTime – A New jQuery & CSS3 Gallery With Animated Shine Effects

use it to create your very own Shiny Gallery ‘ShineTime’. This effect is useful in making your user interface elements look like they’re a real polaroid photo (or made of glass)  and the best part is, it’s not that difficult to achieve. I always think it’s useful to see a demo of what we’re making before we look at it, so click here to check out the live

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Circular Content Carousel with jQuery

The idea is to have some content boxes that we can slide infinitely (circular). When clicking on the “more” link, the respective item moves to the left and a content area will slide out. Now we can navigate through the carousel where each step will reveal the next or previous content box with its expanded content. Clicking on the closing cross will slide the expanded content area back in and animate the item to its original position.